Fees, Donations & Accounts

Attendance Dues

Attendance Dues are a fee charged by the Proprietor of St Teresa’s School, the Archdiocese of Wellington ($545.00 in 2022 for primary students). Assistance is available on request, through the School Principal principal@stteresas.ac.nz or the Parish Priest Fr Ron Bennett ph 04 476 6131. 

Paying Attendance Dues

As a school, we also ask for your financial support, where able:

General School Donation

We request a general school donation of $125 per child. This general donation is used to contribute to the cost of a variety of areas that impact the children’s education.

Specific Donations

We also ask for specific donations, to contribute towards the cost of aspects to our curriculum that enrich the learning for the children, for example:

  • $100 per child towards the cost of the various additional ‘trips and activities’ that the teachers plan throughout the year

  • $10.00 per child towards the cost of the Religious Education resource used in all classes

  • $80 per child (Year 7 & 8 only) towards the cost of Year 7 and 8 Technology, at the Karori West Technology Centre

+  Uniform and Stationery Costs

Paying School Accounts

All accounts are payable online – please use the correct bank account numbers and include your child’s name as a reference.

  • 12—3140—0326022—00

    eg School donations, ICAS payments , Leavers’ Dinner

  • 12 —3223— 0193018—00

    eg Walkathon , Calendars , Discos , Croissants etc

  • 38—9000—0918699—01

  • 38—9000—0918699—00